Food & Beverage
In the food & beverage industry, Puranova Automation can provide opportunities to increase revenue, develop new revenue streams, and create efficiencies from the plant floor to regulatory compliance. Relay logic circuits and programmable logic circuits (PLCs) allow for functions to be input into machines that help keep assembly lines and robotic devices operational and efficient. Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that incorporate computers, networked data, and graphical user interfaces allow for more efficient and accurate processes.
Automation has many significant advantages for the industry, including:
Improved Safety. Repetitive tasks are often the first phase of replacement work taken over by automation systems, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Dangerous tasks on the factory floor often can be supplemented or supplanted by automation tools. Floor leaders are able to note changes in safety standards, often alerted to such by automated connected tools or devices, and make corrections before minor issues become major ones.
More Efficiency. Automation often equates to tirelessness and accuracy. With automated systems in place, manufacturers don’t need to worry as much about worker fatigue or inaccurate work leading to mistakes in production. While modern technologies are unlikely to ever completely replace human employees, they can operate for longer stretches, save for needed maintenance and repairs, and are usually more accurate than their human counterparts.
Better Maintenance. Automation is a critical component of a new approach to maintenance. Using automation, needed maintenance can be identified, workers can be notified, and in many cases repairs made. Overall maintenance and repair costs can be reduced, as can the time needed to stop production to make needed repairs or upgrades.
Rapid Compliance. With automation, the compliance requirements from federal, local, or international agencies can be met more easily, tracked, monitored, and reported. New compliance requirements can also be programmed by simply updating software and hardware, reducing the need for additional staff training or equipment upgrades.
Stronger Quality Control. Quality control is important to manufacturers, regulators, and the general public. Automation of processing and packaging reduces the likelihood of errors in measurement, mixing, and intermediate products. Defects in ingredients can be detected earlier and isolated. Fewer faulty products end up in the marketplace.
Enhanced Traceability. The need to track and trace is essential in the case of a recall or other event that requires recapping or following where products were sourced, mixed, or distributed. With improvements delivered from automation, regulatory safety requirements, monitoring, and reporting will be easy to generate and use. Regulatory compliance costs will drop as continuous improvement and analysis of data leads to safer products.
Reliable Brand Management. Consistency is critical for the food and beverage industry. With automation, companies can ensure that products are uniform in content, texture, taste, flavor, and color. In addition, by reducing threats and ensuring consistency, automation can lower the threat to brand identity and reputation by lowering the incidence of disease or other issues that can threaten the public and the company brand
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